STIHL Clearing Saw FS 461 C-EM - Petrol
SKU: 41472000409
- Bullbar Style Handle.
- Ideal for Professionals in Landscape Maintenance, Agriculture & Councils.
- Two Stroke Engine.
- 45.6 cc Displacement.
- 2.2 kW Engine Power.
- Fitted with STIHL's M-Tronic Engine Management System.
- Long Life Air Filter.
- STIHL Easy2Start System Eliminating Kickback.
- Great for Tall Users being 185cm Long.
- 300-3 Brush Knife Blade as Standard (Different Blades Available)
- 750 ml Fuel Tank Capacity.
- 8.8 kg.
- Two Year Warranty.
- 1st Free Service with-in 3 Months of Purchase.

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